Home / PT Schemes / Interlaboratory Technical Project МС 08/2021 (Completed)

Dear Colleagues,

PT provider UCLSB invites you to take part in Interlaboratory Technical Project MC 08/2021. Test subjects will be: Asphalt /bitouminous/ mixtures and Bitumen and bitumen products, according to the pointed standards and parameters (characteristics) in the following table:

Test subjectCode of the standardName of the standardИTested parameters (characteristics)
Asphalt /bitouminous/ mixturesEN 12697-6:2020, Procedure В (clause.9.3)АBituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 6: Determination of bulk density of bituminous specimensBulk density /ua/
EN 12697-5:2018, Procedure А (clause.9.2)Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 5: Determination of the maximum densityMaximum density /ua/
EN 12697-8:2018, clause 4Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 8: Determination of void characteristics of bituminous specimens.Air voids content /ua/
EN 12697-34:2020Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 34: Marshall testStability /ua/
EN 12697-34:2020Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 34: Marshall test.Flow /ua/
EN 12697-1:2020АBituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 1: Soluble binder content.Soluble binder content /ua/
EN 12697-2:2015+A1: 2019Bituminous mixtures - Test methods - Part 2: Determination of particle size distributionParticle size distribution /ua/

/ua/ - under accreditation, within the scope of accreditation of the PT provider; /oa/ - out of the scope of accreditation of the PT provider

Test subjectCode of the standardName of the standardИTested parameters (characteristics)
Bitumen and bitumen productsEN 1426:2015Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of needle penetration.Needle penetration /ua/
EN 1427:2015Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of the softening point - Ring and Ball method.Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of the softening point - Ring and Ball method. /ua/
EN 12593:2015Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of the Fraass breaking point.Fraass breaking point /ua/
EN ISO 2592:2017Petroleum and related products - Determination of flash and fire points - Cleveland open cup method (ISO 2592:2017).Flash point /ua/
EN 15326:2007+A1:2009Bitumen and bituminous binders - Measurement of density and specific gravity - Capillary-stoppered pyknometer method.Density /ua/
EN 12592:2014Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of solubility.(Determination of) Solubility /ua/

/ua/ - under accreditation, within the scope of accreditation of the PT provider; /oa/ - out of the scope of accreditation of the PT provider

  • “Invitation for participation” (QF 4.4-3) in MC 08/2021;
  • “Application form” (QF 4.4-4) for MC 08/2021;
  • QF 4.4-1 Detailed plan for ILC/PT


* The date which is pointed as a beginning of the relevant project is the date when acceptance of the applications starts.

** Application forms for the relevant project in English and Bulgarian may be found in the “PT Schemes” section on our webpage: http://www.ptprovider.sslsb.org/

*** The end of the relevant project means that this is the deadline for the report to be prepared in case nothing else is stated in the instruction form QF 4.4-5.

/ua/ Under accredtitation (covered by the scope of accreditation) /оа/ Out of accreditation (not covered by the scope of accreditation)

Note: All participants will receive further instructions for the process of implementing the relevant PT scheme. The minimum number of participants for a parameter to be included in the relevant PT scheme is 5.